Satoshi No Seishun





どうしても羽生の側で将棋を指したいと思った聖は上京を希望し、相談を持ちかける。先生とは「冴えんなあ」が口癖の師匠・森信雄(リリー・フランキー)だ。聖は15歳の頃から森に弟子入りし、自分の存在を柔らかく受け入れてくれる師匠を親同然に慕っていた。 体調に問題を抱える聖の上京を家族や仲間は反対したが、将棋に人生の全てを懸けてきた聖を心底理解している森は、彼の背中を押した。 東京――。髪や爪は伸び放題、本やCDやゴミ袋で足の踏み場もなく散らかったアパートの部屋。酒を飲むと先輩連中にも食ってかかる聖に皆は呆れるが、同時にその強烈な個性と純粋さに魅了され、いつしか聖の周りには彼の情熱を支えてくれる仲間たちが集まっていた。

その頃、羽生善治が前人未到のタイトル七冠を達成する。 聖はさらに強く羽生を意識し、ライバルでありながら憧れの想いも抱く。そして一層将棋に没頭し、並み居る上位の先輩棋士たちを下して、いよいよ羽生を射程圏内に収めるようになる。 そんな折、聖の体に癌が見つかった。「このまま将棋を指し続けると死ぬ」と医師は忠告。しかし聖は聞き入れず、将棋を指し続けると決意。もう少しで名人への夢に手が届くところまで来ながら、彼の命の期限は刻一刻と迫っていた・・・。

©2016 "Satoshi no Seishun" Film Partners

Wednesday, March 22 @ 7:00 pm

E-Street Cinema

Satoshi No Seishun (124 min) (2016)
Satoshi: A Move for Tomorrow

Dialogue in English and Japanese, with English sub-titles

Cast: Kenichi Matsuyama, Masahiro Higashide, Shota Sometani, Ken Yasuda, Tokio Emoto

Director:Yoshitaka Mori (Japanese)




This is the true story of shogi prodigy Satoshi Murayama, whose tragic death at 29 sent shock waves through the shogi world. Sickly from birth, Murayama was diagnosed with nephrotic syndrome as a child and with cancer in his twenties. Murayama said it was because of his useless body that he turned to shogi. Wracked with pain, he endured his physical symptoms with the stoicism of a samurai, as he rose to beat the reigning Meijin champion Yoshiharu Habu in a historic match. (Film description from The Hollywood Reporter)

The actors who play the two shogi champions, Kenichi Matsuyama and Masahiro Higashide, were nominated for Best Actor and Best Supporting Actor, respectively.

Articles and Reviews

"The sentimentality of the film morphs into a genuinely touching portrait of a driven genius who knows game time is running out. It bowed as the closing film at Tokyo and should easily win invites to other festivals."

The Hollywood Reporter

"Satoshi Murayama, a shogi master who was just 29 when he died, is being feted in print and film 18 years after his passing. Even to this day, Murayama's passion for shogi, commonly referred to as Japanese chess, is widely shared by the generation that came after him."

The Asahi Shimbun