
全国屈指の頭脳を持つ800人のエリート学生達が通う、日本一の超名門・海帝高校。政財界に強力なコネを持ち、海帝でトップ=生徒会長をつとめたものには、将来の内閣入りが確約されているという。時は4月、新学期。大きな野心を持つ男が首席入学を果たす。新1年生・赤場帝一。彼の夢は「総理大臣になって、自分の国を作る」こと。その夢を実現するためには、海帝高校の生徒会長になることが絶対条件。「ライバルを全員蹴落として、必ずここでトップに立つ・・・そのためならなんでもする・・・どんな汚いことでも…。2年後の生徒会長選挙で優位に立つには、1年生の時にどう動くかが鍵となる。戦いはもう始まっているのだ!」。誰よりも早く動き始め、野望への第一歩を踏み出した帝一。待ち受けていたものは、想像を絶する罠と試練! 友情と裏切り! 究極の格付けバトルロワイアル! いま、命がけの「生徒会選挙」が幕を開ける!!



Tuesday, March 20

E-Street Cinema

TEIICHI NO KUNI (119 min) (2017)
TEIICHI -Battle of Supreme High-

Dialogue in English and Japanese, with English sub-titles

Cast: Masaki Suda, Shuhei Nomura, Ryoma Takeuchi, Shoyaro Mamiya, Jun Shison, Yudai Chiba

Director: Akira Nagai

http://www.teiichi.jp/ (Japanese)




“I’m going to be student council president, no matter what it takes!”
So begins Teiichi’s fight for the ultimate seat of power against 800 brilliant rivals at the most elite private school in Japan…The make-or-break “student council election” begins now!!

The 800 elite students of the top private school in Japan – Kaitei High School – represent the sharpest young minds in the country. Kaitei’s alumni have powerful connections in the political and financial world, and its top student -- the student council president -- is all but promised a future cabinet position. At the beginning of the new school year in April, ambitious freshman Teiich Akaba joins the ranks of Kaitei elites as the top student from his graduating class. His dream is to “become the prime minister and create his own kingdom.” But in order to realize this dream, he absolutely must become student council president.

“I’ll bring down every single rival to become #1…I’ll do whatever it takes, no matter how dirty or underhanded. An effective strategy in my freshman year will give me an edge in the student council elections two years from now. The battle has already begun!”
Teiichi gets a head start on his rivals and takes his first step towards his ambitious goal. But unimaginable conspiracies and challenges await him! Friendships and betrayals abound in the ultimate Battle Royale to outrank each other! The make-or-break “student council election” begins now!!

Articles and Reviews

Director Yukiko Mishima

Dir. Nagai

Born in Tokyo, July 31, 1970.

Critically acclaimed TV commercials include: Suntory’s BOSS “Zero no Choten” (featuring Koshiro Matsumoto and Takako Matsu), Calorie Mate “Todoke, Netsuryo” (featuring Hikari Mitsushima) and Suntory “Green Dakara chan” etc.
Awarded consecutive Best Director Prizes at the 2012 and 2013 ACC CM Festivals.

Directed the short film “All About My Dog” in 2005 and made his full-length feature film debut in 2014 with “Judge!”

Brilliantly portrayed a world view interweaving fantasy and reality in the 2016 film “If Cats Disappeared from the World.”
“Battle of Supreme High (working title)” to be released this year is Nagai’s third full length feature film.